Hello there my fellow Conscious Riders!
Today I wanted to talk to you about something that I have found to be over the years of being a transformation coach one of the most important aspects of our lives something that can really mold us and make us the most confident, healthy and empowered best version of ourselves when nourished. On the other hand, if this one thing is neglected it can really destroy a person’s joy and leave them unfulfilled in life and that thing is relationships.
If you really think about it every area of our life depends on good solid healthy relationships. This can be our relationships with ourselves, loved ones, time, money, soul or even health if these relationships are not nourished then those areas of our life can not grow and without growth and contribution it is hard to thrive and be fulfilled. So be sure to stick around till the end of this post because I’m about to breakdown the 3 most important relationships you must change in order to become the very best version of yourself!
Relationship # 1. Relationship with self
Yes, believe it or not this seems to be the hardest relationship for the majority of people in the world and to be honest most people are not even consciously aware of it. Imagine if you were taking a walk and you saw someone on the side of the road punching themselves in the face you would probably think they are crazy and call the police, right? Yet that is what so many people do to themselves day in and day out they beat themselves up in their minds with the limiting beliefs of I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, I’m not pretty enough, I can’t have that, I’m not a good speaker whatever the case may be instead of putting yourself down tap into your true greatness and own it! This means loving yourself and loving what you see in the mirror every day when you wake up. You must fix your relationship with yourself by eliminating those negative beliefs and replacing them with positive ones. Remove the I cant’s and replace them with the I cans, I will, I must! Make sure to feed yourself every day with positive words of affirmation. Say them day in and day out to the point that you are sick of hearing them and when you do this something beautiful will happen eventually your subconscious mind will hear them enough times and will start to believe them to be true and there for they will become your reality.
What I encourage you to start doing today a matter of fact right now this very second is make a decision to promise to yourself that no matter what happens in your life that you are going to love yourself and live your life on your terms in a positive, beautiful and blissful state. One thing that can help with this is developing a morning routine perhaps getting up early and exercising or journaling thoughts, desires, ideas and solutions even a list of 10 things you are grateful for or 10 reasons why you are awesome can really boost a person self-esteem and energy. A lot of times human beings focus on the negative because are brain is design to keep us alive but when we over ride that and get in touch with ourselves and all the things that bring us joy it gives us a grasp of how amazing we really are as well as the life we live. Remember you can’t find happiness in what you want until you find happiness with what you already have. Be sure to practice self-love and selfcare and remember we become in life who we believe we are.
Relationship #2 Relationship with others
You may have heard the old term you are who you spend the most time with whether that be a good thing or a bad thing one thing is clear it is by far without a doubt 100% true our environment is key. Understand that energy is everything a matter of fact scientist are now catching up with spiritual gurus and have actually found that every human being has something called a bio field. They have literally shown that every single human being has an energy field that surrounds them and that field gives off energy to whatever is around it and that energy can also be affected depending on who you surround yourself with in your life. Beware of your environment and who you let into your tribe be sure to really have a conscious awareness of this. Who are the people you are letting into your inner circle? Ask yourself are these people toxic and doubtful are they pulling you down as well as getting in the way of your successes with your goals and gaining your confidence and discovering your self-worth? You see those are the same people pushing you further away from your goals. Make sure to start surrounding yourself with people that pull you closer to your goals people that encourage and inspire you to be the very best version of yourself. These are the same people that will lift and fuel you up mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Most of all make sure these people are in alignment with your morals, values and standards of living this will either make or break you and have a profound impact in your life as well as the success of your goals and desires. Create a healthy and thriving environment and remember just like you are what you eat, you are who you hang around with and negative people will bring you negative results.
Last but not least
Relationship #3 Relationship with life
In order to become the very best version of yourself you must change your relationship with life. This is one of the biggest problems that sets people back from gaining confidence, becoming the most empowered version of themselves as well as overcoming fear and achieving what they want in life. You see most people give up and roll over right away in the face of failure or judgement but understand life is full of ups and downs and there will be plenty of good times but there may also be bumps in the road and hang ups as well you may even hit rock bottom. However, understand it is in those bad times when we fall apart that we get to see what we are truly made of and when we bounce back that’s when we become stronger, smarter and better people. Mistakes are actually a really good thing they teach us valuable lessons. There is no such thing as failure only temporary setbacks and the beautiful thing about these mistakes and setbacks is that they teach us what we are doing wrong so we can correct the problems we are facing and make them right. Sometimes life may even throw you a curve ball where you face challenges out of your control such as losing a loved one or losing a job and that is ok because events are just events and have no control over you only to the extent that you allow them to. Life doesn’t happen to you it happens for you and the universe, god, muse whatever you wish to call it is loving, generous and will give you what you need most when you truly ask for it.
Remember everything in life happens for a reason so you have to ask yourself are you going to let those hard times break you or are you going to except them, find strength in them, dust yourself off and trust in yourself moving forward? Remember nothing in life has any meaning except the story you attach to it. Understand change is a part of life but how you react to change is what will dictate the direction of your life. I encourage you to think of a bad time in your life and write down as many reasons as you can on how happy you are now that this event happened to you no matter how bad it was and think about how it made your life better. Maybe this event made you a stronger person or gave you the ability to go down a new path that was the best decision you ever made. Remember when one door closes another door opens allow yourself to be free and happy by changing your relationship with life.
I Hope you enjoyed this post conscious riders and if you are suffering from anxiety or limiting beliefs or maybe just falling short of your goals reach out to me at consciousrideinfo@gmail.com. I run an online course called fear busters academy and work with people one on one as well. You have greatness within you it’s time to unleash it!
Live in peace, Love with passion
Coach Sean West