by Infinite Fitness | Oct 27, 2015 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Train Hard
It is widely accepted by fitness professionals that a warm-up is essential to optimal performance. The degree, type and longevity of the activity will often encourage the structure of a warm-up. However, despite a change in activity, the main goal of every warm-up is...
by Infinite Fitness | Mar 11, 2015 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Train Hard
You’ve been in the gym for about a year’s time. You’ve seen yourself make huge strides forward, not only have your bench numbers gone up but so has your squat! However the longer you spend hitting your weekly routine the less success you find...
by Infinite Fitness | Nov 4, 2014 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Train Hard
Squats are a girl’s (and guy’s!) best friend, right? Regardless of where you are at in your fitness journey everyone has done a squat or two. This movement is full body, incorporating multiple muscle groups such as your...
by Infinite Fitness | Oct 2, 2014 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Train Hard
Proper running form helps to increase your running efficiency while protecting you from injury. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been running for years or are new to the routine, everyone can benefit from improved running form. The key is to make small changes and give...
by Infinite Fitness | Aug 19, 2014 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Repeat Indefinitely, Train Hard
A strong core is essential for everything, from common daily tasks to athletic training. By building and then maintaining a strong core, you reduce your risks of injury and increase your agility and power. Core muscles help to transfer the power from the hips and legs...
by Infinite Fitness | Jul 8, 2014 | Infinite Fitness Blog, Train Hard
What is strength? I bet if you asked this question to yourself your answer would be quite vague. “Well strength is..being strong?” As a powerlifter strength is my end all be all, what I strive to make greater after each session in the gym. Strength means adding twenty...